Warm-up Practice for Groups

Random pairs sharing with each other on a couple of topics

Invite everybody to walk about aimlessly in the space where the group meets
When a bell sounds, invite people to stop and agree per eye contact to form a pair with a partner
Then invite to share mutually within 30 seconds: “What are you grateful for?”
Upon hearing a new bell sound everybody starts moving again.
After 10 seconds or so, sound the bell again. People stop and form new pairs.
They share then on the second topic for 30 seconds: What is an important need or value for you?
Finally, after a new bell sounds and new pairs forming for the third time, go to the third topic.
What is your intention coming to the workshop?

Topics – Different topics are possible, of course

  1. Gratitude – share what you are grateful for to the person you are with. (30 seconds) – switch
  2. Need/Value – share an important value for you (30 seconds) – switch
  3. Intention – share your intention to come to the workshop (2 minutes) – switch

Harvesting in the plenum
– How do you feel now, after this exercise? – A few voices
– What are your intentions coming to the workshop? – A few voices