Visiting Lithuania – Summer 2024

Visiting Lithuania - Summer 2024

16.7 – Kaunas
Departure from Düsseldorf, arrival in Kaunas
Rental car picked up – Hyundai I20 – Hybrid – a new experience
Visit to the Acropolis – Exhibition of historical maps in the Mall
Evening walk to Dalia’s old home – fruit drink on the market square

17.7 – Kaunas
A morning walk to the island in the Nemunas – it was hot
Very modern building with tilted coin on the roof viewed

In the evening we were on Freedom Alley

18.7 – Trip to Ignalina
Small church visited on the way – only from outside, storks
Visited large pink cathedral on the way
Arrival at the hotel just outside Ignalina
An evening walk to the end of a field path
We cannot get to the shore of the lake and go back
Then to the official beach of Ignalino – beautiful evening atmosphere.
We enjoyed it there
In the evening on the veranda – had a little dinner
Night walk in the dark along the path

19.7 – Second day in Ignalina

Morning long walk around the lake

At around 2pm we meet Jurgita – excursion to a viewing mountain called Ladakalnis
Oak on the summit – Here the presidents plant oak trees
Ginučiai – a small village, summer visitors go swimming, eat delicious food

When shopping we miss the beer time by 2 minutes
Then we go to a restaurant and drink a Pils with a beautiful view
Back to Hotel Ignalina
Evening walk around the house

20.7 – Last day in Ignalino – departure to Vilnius
Beautiful morning walk around the lake north of Ignalina
Departure – Visit to an old wooden church near Ignalina
Visit to a mountain where a castle once stood – royal family was there – Dubingiai
Visit the church in the village next to the historic Königsberg
Next to the church is another old house that temporarily served as a church
There was a video in which a grandmother talked about the times in the Soviet Union
Supermarket – Delicious ice cream
Arrival in Vilnius at the monastery – car parked – Michaela welcomes us
Evening stroll in the capital

21.7 – Vilnius – Museum Day!
Breakfast in the monastery
Attended mass in the Jesuit Church
Crypt in the Jesuit Church visited
Morning walk to the museum
Exhibition 1 – Conspiracies
Exhibition 2 – Lithuanian History Immigration and Emigration
In the evening in the cool bar on the square – The bar is called “Johnny hits back”

22.7 – From Vilnius to Kaunas

Morning walk in Vilnius

Interview with the “French” bookseller

Back to Kaunas – baked American pancakes in the evening

23.7 – Technology Day in Kaunas
Shopping – repair of shower etc.
Screen and computer installed
Afternoon stroll in Kaunas

24.7 – Drive south – Lischkiava / Liškiava Prienai – Eating in the community center Birstonas – Walk along the Nemunas Drink sulphur water Water evaporation tower … Visit the observation tower
Merkine – only briefly stopped, rocked there once stood a huge castle

Bumpy ride through the forest to Liškiava Monastery(Google Maps – shortest route 🙂 ) Arrival at the Monastery of Silence In the evening the nun shows us the church Area around the monastery explored in the evening

25.7 – Druskieniki – Ciurlionis Museum Breakfast in the monastery Pictures of Pictures – Cloister To Druskieniki – lake walk – cemetery Ciurlionis Museum visited Lunch Druskieniki – Senasis Nemunas

Evening walk near the monastery – walking path with a view of Nemunas

26.7 – Return to Kaunas
Dubingiai – historic site of a castle

Photo from the highway – viewpoint
Walking in Kaunas – Acropolis visited

27.7 – Kaunas
Morning walk alone in Kaunas – photos taken – island – church – Freedom Street
Workshop prepared

28.7 – Trip to Guronys
Preparing for Guronys – lots of printouts, final preparations
Storm at night in Guronys

29.7 – Workshop Day 1
Start of seminar

30.7 – Workshop Day 2
Lunch photos

31.7 – Workshop Day 3
Wonderful clear weather in the morning – morning walk
Participation in the service

1.8 – Workshop Day 4
Process with Dalia in the morning – group is enthusiastic
In the evening some sing in the chapel

2.8 – Workshop Day 5
Final photos of our group
After the end, Dalia and I visit a place nearby
walk by the lake – up at the church

3.8 – Kaunas
Last breakfast on a sunny morning
Afternoon return flight to Cologne