Silence in the Body

Robert invites to a brief meditation.
Sit up beautifully, as you feel it to be appropriate and offer yourself a space of self-compassion.


Awareness and attention – to yourself, to your body …
Taking large, deeper breaths, feeling the energy …
Slowing to a natural easy breathing rhythm …
Allowing the breathing to take you to your body …

Feel the silence in the body …

Let the body inhabit a space, a large space, holding and surrounding the body …

Gently attend to all the places in the body where there is sensation …
tension … tingling … feeling …

Feel the sensation of the sounds in the body, as you hear them outside …

Let the body relax and let go, with each breath …

Breathing, easily resting in the softness of the animal body.

Subtly, slowly move the body just a little bit.
Toes. Fingers. Soft movements.
Move the torso just ever so gently to feel the body.
Small movements.

And then – a few deeper breaths.
Open the eyes when you’re ready.

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Meditation offered by Robert Gonzales