How Jackals say ‘thank you’ and how to translate ‘thank you’ into Giraffe.
Time codes
- 00:00 In Giraffe consciousness you see that all people ever say is ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
- 00:45 How jackals say ‘please’
- 01:57 How jackals say ‘Thank you’
- positive jugdments
- compliments
- praise
- 03:58 How giraffes say ‘Thank you’ (observation, feeling and need)
- observation of what somebody did that I liked
- how I feel
- because of what fulfilled need of mine
- 05:32 An Example of a ‘Thank you’ in Jackal translated into Giraffe
- ‘You are brilliant’ and later, ‘You are so intelligent’
- The person noted and starred two things Marshall had said in the workshop
- The person felt relieved and hopeful, hearing these two things
- And those feelings why? It showed her a way to re-establish communication with her son
- 08:10 When a person has made a huge positive difference in our life, as giraffes we may choose to make clear to this person those three things, but often we giraffes can be lazy and just say ‘thank you’
For different section from this workshop – see here.