Giraffes become increasingly more aware of the crucial difference between the a neutral observation and an evaluation. As humans we habitually evaluate the world around as – according to our needs. As long as we are unaware of the motivating factor behind the evaluation, we are very much inclinded to confuse reality with our evaluation of what we are perceiving.
For example – I perceive something as an attack and say so to the person who I see as the attacker. The person will perhaps be irritated and defend themselves by saying that they did not attack us. If there is such a possibility of disagreement, it can tell us that we did no communicate an observation of facts, but rather the evaluation of what we make from the facts, according to the needs alive in us.
So the difficulty of making neutral observations is to stop internally and make a space to become aware of what we actually took in through our senses – and tell this appart from our needs, which tend to color these perceptions.
What did the person say or do – or not say or not do – which we interpreted as an attack?
The person said “You are more dumb than a piece of wood.”
So this would be actually an OBSERVATION. “When I heard you say that I was dumber than a piece of wood ….”
Side Note
Well – if these words are what made you “feel attacked” you would need to understand that you always have a choice how to hear a message. You can hear messages in jackal – as attack, judgment, blame – or you can hear the deeper meaning behind such messages, the actual gift that lies inside the message – a request to make the life of another person more beautiful.
There is no dumb person – but there is a request for someone to be more aware, more nimble in their mental activity, more competent in retaining information … whatever may be the case. (Giraffe ears)
Or – a dumb person exists and you could be one of them. (Jackal ears)
So we always have a choice on how to hear a message – with jackal ears – as we usually do – or with giraffe ears – listening to the need, feeling and request behind the message.