No negotiations

Andrey Klintsevych talks about a proposal from an American think-tank, about a talk between Russia and the USA about a future world order. Vladimir Solovyov explains why Russia should not negotiate.

Vladimir Solovyov explains why Russia should not negotiate

Giraffe-n-Jackal Dialogue

Solovyov wants something that he is not getting.

Like what for example?

When he says “It is useless to negotiate with the other side.” I hear him say that he has no trust, that a better understanding is possible or that agreements will be kept. I would need to check with him, if that is his meaning.

A Ukrainian Red Cross warehouse in Odesa and a hospital in Mykolaiv have been destroyed in missile attacks. There is no war crime Russia isn’t prepared to commit. How do you negotiate with people willing to do this?

In order to start any kind of negotiation, would you like that people show respect for international rules of armed conflict? Some remnant of care for the fragility and preciousness of human life?

Six officially signed agreements were broken by Russia when they invaded Ukraine: Article 2 of the UN Charter (refraining from threat or use of force against territorial integrity), 1994 Budapest Memorandum (granting Ukraine sovereignity), 1997 Bilateral Freedom & Friendship Treaty (recognising Ukraine’s borders and territories), 2002 Rome Declaration (protecting territorial integrity and non-interference), 2014 Minsk-I Agreements and 2015 Minsk-II Agreements (affirming the retreat of Col. Girkin troops and Wagner troops).

Seeing how many important signed agreements were broken by the Russian army moving into Ukraine more than two years ago, what are you actually needing in relationship to that? Would you like them to express honest deep regret about how much pain and suffering that meant for so many people?

Not sent:
Do you value when countries can be trusted to honor their aggreements – and when they resolve their differences in some way other than violence? I personally see law and international law as an attempt to regulate our behaviour, especially when we have differences about some issue, to provide protections for life. And I get scared when I get a sense of a person or an entity that does not abide by the law.
