It could have been better – Joan Armatrading

Someone put the dancing of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire to the music of Joan Armatrading. Whatever time and effort it has taken to do this, the result is a new work of art.

In addition the lyrics of ‘It could have been better’ as well as the rendition add another layer to make this my top giraffe music-dance-text video.


I added subtitles in several languages.

Joan Armatrading - It Could Have Been Better
Something about what is possible, in terms of beauty in equality, partnership and flow …

It could have been better / Joan Armatrading

I was very sad last night
You came by
I was so glad though sadness covered
The smile I kept for you
I was waiting for the cloud to pass over
That I could show my love

You could have made me laugh
if you’d stayed but you left
I was more confused than I was before you came
I was frightened
I saw insanity and tears
I shouted for you to stay

It could have been better
If you had held my hand
And smiled at me
Or questioned why
My face was so distorted

I’m back in the sunlight again
Oh I’m so glad
It’s only joy I wanna give to you
Sometimes I feel lost and desperate
Please forgive me
If I show no sign of reasoning
Or consideration
In my bleaker times

Same song, but in a full-screen mode 16:9 – no subtitles here – yet.

It Could Have Been Better - Joan Armatrading