Immanuel Kant

Eye to eye with the thinker Immanuel Kant

What can we know, understand?

“Knowing” depends on both our awareness (ratio) and perception of the world (experience).
Ratio and perception act as a filter and limitation on what we can know.
Epistemology – science around “what is knowable” and the conditions of knowledge, etc.

Categories a priori
Space and time
plus 12 categories of rational thinking

God cannot be proven, no sensual input for experiments.
Morality – can also not be proven – putting philosphers out of work

Act on inner principles
that could also serve as basis for general law

Second book finds a workaround – “practical ratio” – explores the ways how we can decide to guide our choices in life. Finds only five possibilities:

Eudaimonia (Aristoteles)
Kantesian Maxim

Make your principle of action such, that it could serve as basis for general law.

The above summary is a condensed note from the presentation by Dr. Ziegler in German.

Kant in 60 Minuten