New Jackals in Presidential Vocabulary

The Washington Post composed a beautiful table of words introduced by Donald Trump, in his presidential addresses to Congress over the past years.

Not all of them are jackals, perhaps. Context would help to determine that. Some are rather beautiful, such as “weaponized”. Something is turned into a weapon and that is “wrong” – if we choose to hear this with jackal ears. For example “The justice department has been weaponized by the Biden admistration.”

For those jackals I find it helpful to take into account the context. I do not have the text of the presidential address 2025 in front of me, but I can give an example because I heard Trump complain many times about this.

“They have WEAPONIZED the department of justice.”

So would you like for official institutions to serve people, to do good, rather than to do harm?

I am guessing Mr. Trump feels hurt and treated unfairly, as he sees himself innocent and feels that he did nothing wrong, yet he was accused of many wrongdoings.